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Expert 4 Practitioner 3 Apprentice 2 Novice 1
Participation Shares all of the time; browses all of the websites listed with group members. Shares information most of the time with group members; browses most of the websites listed with group members. Shares information some of the time with group members; browses few websites listed with group members. Does not share information  with group members; does not browse websites listed with group members.

Part A Content

Written products contain many details about your life as a Pilgrim.  Written products contain many  details about your life as a Pilgrim. Written products contain few details about your life as a Pilgrim. Written products contain no details about your life as a Pilgrim.

Part B Mechanics

Complete sentences; correct capitalization and end punctuation. Complete sentences most of the time; correct capitalization and end punctuation most of the time. Few complete sentences; capitalization and end punctuation are applied infrequently. Incomplete sentences; lack of capitalization and end punctuation.
Cooperation Always gets along with group members. Most of the time gets along with group members. Some of the time gets along with other group members. Never gets along with other group members.